4 october - 5 october 2023 kistamässan

Gerlach Sweden AB

Clearance Package Norway

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Norway offers great business opportunities and has one of the strongest economies in the world, with a high level of innovation and a thriving e-commerce market.

But Norway is the only Scandinavian country that is not an EU member – and this affects trade. Businesses in other EU countries that want to export to this market are faced with customs formalities. At Gerlach Sweden, we have used many years of knowledge and experience to develop solutions that make it easier for you to enter the Norwegian market.

Benefits with Clearence Package Norway:

Gerlach Sweden is your all-in-one solution. We make the Swedish export declaration and the Norwegian import customs declaration.

We offer this service in both directions. Norwegian companies wishing to enter the Swedish or European market can use Gerlach as a single point of contact for all their customs processes.

Clearance package means that the goods are cleared through customs in connection with a border crossing and thus become directly available for distribution / consumption.

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